To come across as a cunt, I've had carbs go off and be vapour blasted and rebuilt by a pre cross flow guru. 1500 gt carb, at came back with the slurry from vapour blasting and the 'new' jets and air correction looked very used.
Is it a CV carb?
DOH needles is a CV carb, are the needles the same in both carbs is the float height right? Recent pissing about with carbs was cured by 'polishing' the float valve needle and seat with t cut and that cured a fueling issue. Not really sure how that helped but it worked.
Ah well, I thought that but the carbs have been sent off and all new, supposedly, bigger jets fitted throughout. The carb man is considered a CB77 guru so he can't have got it wrong, surely. I suggested raising the needles one notch and using V-Power petrol which has slightly improved the situation.