• #2
Yeah, generations. Who’d have ‘em?
• #4
i'd love a recap
i've never known what age group the wokers are, but i am pretty sure the swifties are aged 50 - 59 -
• #5
I don't have age-correlated statistics for the "woke mind virus", sorry.
I think Max Horkheimer was patient zero, but he was before there were generations.
• #6
That Unherd article was just so awful, start to finish, that I feel compelled to comment. I could barely understand the actual content due to the horrible way in which it was delivered
• #7
Ok boomer
• #8
Had the usual drunk generational conflict arguments with my dad Saturday evening.
He is in his mid 70s, thinks a bit if racism is ok, we shouldn't rewrite history (colston hall conversation).
• #9
Are baby boomers and millennials special because their generations have names instead of just letters?
• #10
Refer to The Who ( not world health organisation for you younger types)
• #11
The Boomers are the last to have direct contact with those who lived through WW2.
The popularity of Holocaust denial is shocking.
Putin’s claim in the Tucker interview that Poland started WW2 by attacking Germany is taken as fact now. -
• #12
colston hall conversation
That’s an easy one, the Victorian Bristolian Tory party literally re-wrote history by making Colston a hero. The statue was bought and paid for by a bunch of Tories who dumped it on the city without permission. We are closer today to that statue going up than its creation is to Colston’s death. There were telephones in use and cars on the streets of Britain when that thing went up
Same with all the other Colston stuff
• #13
An easy one if you are rational.
• #14
“Boomers are the last to have direct contact with those who lived through WW2.“
Most grandparents of gen x ers lived through WW2, there were even old sods on our estate who had been in the trenches in WW1
Generations, eh?
What was there before there were generations?
Which ones are right and which ones are wrong?
What would discourse be without them?