I'm a big fan of hub gears on cargo bikes, purely so that you can shift at a stand still. I've ridden cargo bikes and trikes in the past with derailleurs and it was a pain getting going if you were fully loaded and didn't shift down before you came to a stop.
Having said that, I've not used Enviolo, only Rohloff and Shimano stuff.
Enviolo is pure shit but you can get by on it until it breaks- which can be quite a long time if you don’t ask much from it (no hills, heavy loads, powerful mid drive). YMMV:)
It also feels quite horrid to use and has high rolling resistance, notably so compared to Rohloff IME.
It is cheaper, and useable to an extent. So hard to justify the cost of Rohloff on these grounds alone, I agree with others here on that point.
That said it’s been a couple of years since I’ve had the displeasure of using them and they’ve since released some heavy duty ones. Can’t speak on those !
Yes. Bosch, envolio which I’d rather bin but I’ll happily ride it til it dies then replace with derailleur