I know there are some, but isn't a highway authority imposing a 20mph limit just a far more expert and disinterested voice in the ear of a CTT risk assessor who had made the wrong call in the first place?
If they're assessing actual risk, then they still wouldn't be imposing a 20mph speed limit to bikes though.
20mph is a general policy and doesn't tend to get risk-assessed on an individual basis (exceptions apply, of course), as the benefits of 20mph limits are firmly established, whether they're the outcome of a political decision or are decided at officer level under delegated powers. In any consultation or decision document on 20mph you'll usually find reference to the greatly-reduced risk of serious injury, etc., but nothing relating to the particular location where it's proposed (which is absolutely fine). 20mph limits don't tend to reduce speeds to 20mph but to something between 20 and 30, which is still beneficial even if 20mph isn't attained, as 30mph limits tend to have people driving between 30 and 40.
I don't know how CTT risk assessments work, but they are likely to be very different from risk assessments of traffic schemes, in which aero-socked, bulbous-helmeted people riding strangely-shaped bikes while mostly looking down at the carriageway wouldn't feature all that often, so not comparable.
More dead courses.
I think it's been 2.5 years since I've touched my TT bike and now I'm wondering if I'll ever race it again.