Or I guess it could be done at break time. Do teachers really need to go to the toilet?
Do all of them spend all break having massive slashes? The impression I got from my primary school aged kid was that break times are still supervised :) I guess in my head I imagine that if you build it in from reception, then it just becomes routine - like the way in my eg in Nicaragua all the kids just went out and brushed their teeth in their first break.
For the record, I am also in favour of paying them more and making their jobs less shit. Tbh I don't know enough about the day to day of the average teacher, but it always sounds to me like they need more people doing the job. I'm sure there are bullshit tasks like in most jobs, but generally it sounds like a quantity of resource issue.
If you want it effective then the teacher needs to devote their attention to it so what gets bumped? Lesson planning, marking, teaching?
Or I guess it could be done at break time. Do teachers really need to go to the toilet?
It's not necessarily a bad policy so long as it is fully resourced but I am less than convinced it will be.