2018 Fabia went in for MOT today.
At last year's MOT the garage tried to do me for £1200 for shock absorbers. I practically cried on the phone and it became an advisory.
This year, I went to a different garage to see if previous garage was trying to fleece me. New garage checked them - no issue.
Full service all fluids and MOT - £220.
First garage = fuckers.
My best garage experience was when I lived in Walthamstow, it was just around the corner and had good reviews, perfect I thought, until I received a PCN for entering a traffic calming zone... they forgot to tell me not to arrive between 9-11am and couldn't be arsed when I pointed that out.
Whilst I can see that it would have been nice if they had forewarned, I'm not sure I see a huge degree of fault in not doing so. Was the traffic calming zone not signposted at all?
2018 Fabia went in for MOT today.
At last year's MOT the garage tried to do me for £1200 for shock absorbers. I practically cried on the phone and it became an advisory.
This year, I went to a different garage to see if previous garage was trying to fleece me. New garage checked them - no issue.
Full service all fluids and MOT - £220.
First garage = fuckers.