Only time I got involved in them was when I objected to a planning application for the property that was next door (to my previous home).
It was 2 detached houses that had been bought by a developer and they were planning on building 15 flats and 3 houses on the same plot. The initial application broke so many of the councils own rules (3 stories replacing a 2 story, the 3 story block of flats was directly up against my fence line completely blocking my light etc). The planning officers ignored almost all of the complaints, but did force some minor concessions. Planning was approved on the second go, but then the planning officers tried to make some new changes, things they didn't raise on the first application, but appeals can't hear new things so the whole shitty thing got approved. They didn't even know their own rules.
First time interacting with council planning officers. Very quickly making their way into the "estate agent" bucket for the level of incompetency being shown.