I didn't put my 50 quid in to get rich, I did it to help nudge London towards bicycle taxis and delivery services. I'm a bit glum about being pushed out but I still want PedalMe to succeed. I hope the other Crowdcubers don't sue them.
edit: There are Crowdcubers on Reddit who claim to have put in £500 or £1000. No mention of legal action yet https://www.reddit.com/r/londoncycling/comments/1ah656k/pedal_me_going_into_administration/
I didn't put my 50 quid in to get rich, I did it to help nudge London towards bicycle taxis and delivery services. I'm a bit glum about being pushed out but I still want PedalMe to succeed. I hope the other Crowdcubers don't sue them.
edit: There are Crowdcubers on Reddit who claim to have put in £500 or £1000. No mention of legal action yet https://www.reddit.com/r/londoncycling/comments/1ah656k/pedal_me_going_into_administration/
Interesting. I was considering investing. Like you, not to get rich, but to have a stake in something I believed in and to be, hopefully, one of a number of people giving them a nudge. Now I think I... wont
I saw the notice. Sounds like you and the other investors need to lawyer up. It may be a (very) poorly worded email, but it seems odd that a director can just announce that a subset of shareholders had bought the ailing company’s assets (seems like they bought the whole operation?!), presumably without notice to the other shareholders and for a reduced price, and they were saddling remaining investors with the entire loss.
Not advice, I am not an expert in this, but I’d start a crowdfund for shareholders and stakeholders to obtain a qualified legal opinion on the matter.