“The principle of reasonableness in relation to disclosure to the inquiry – even if operating at the more stringent end of the spectrum – does not, and cannot, require POL [the Post Office] to leave every stone unturned,” wrote the Post Office’s lead legal representative, Chris Jackson, a partner at the law firm Burges Salmon LLP. “Such a standard is impossible for POL to realistically comply with.”
Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone could possibly leave every stone unturned. It might look like not really trying.
(I assume that's quoted correctly.)
Grant was legally forced to give testimony at the public inquiry into the Horizon IT scandal. He provided the barest bones of a witness statement, at just over two pages, criticising the inquiry for not giving him enough time to do more because it clashed with his Christmas plans.
[...] he was not the only former investigator who appeared to believe that some post office operators who have now been cleared were nevertheless up to no good.
This is ... well, good would be the wrong word.
Highlights--logic challenge:
Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone could possibly leave every stone unturned. It might look like not really trying.
(I assume that's quoted correctly.)