Having re-re-re-built the original BST carb, I just couldn't get it revving properly. In the end I put the needle all the way at the leanest, and it wouldn't even rev up on the driveway. So then I put the needle at the richest, and it would rev fine.
So, I went out and managed a couple easy lanes and some road riding and it felt as good as it will get I guess.
Now the question is whether to up the main jet size by one or two sizes.
As we know and as illustrated on this page from a Mikuni carb manual posted online, the needle height is doing something different to the main jet.
Question is, if the needle has been lifted so much and it could still run a little richer, I can either try going up a main jet, or shim the needle even higher. Hmm.
Well. I currently have a running DR350 again...!
Having re-re-re-built the original BST carb, I just couldn't get it revving properly. In the end I put the needle all the way at the leanest, and it wouldn't even rev up on the driveway. So then I put the needle at the richest, and it would rev fine.
So, I went out and managed a couple easy lanes and some road riding and it felt as good as it will get I guess.
Now the question is whether to up the main jet size by one or two sizes.
As we know and as illustrated on this page from a Mikuni carb manual posted online, the needle height is doing something different to the main jet.
Question is, if the needle has been lifted so much and it could still run a little richer, I can either try going up a main jet, or shim the needle even higher. Hmm.
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