AFAICT the Rockiest Barjam is just a basic handlebar extender with a bar roll system attached.
Yes! Have also done this and worked well. As did @amey
Yeah those accessory extenders are a good shout but I'm wringing my hands looking at that pic. Bag looks like its rammed into the cables albeit securely mounted. A titanium frame who cares but a painted finish would be destroyed on a wet and grimy trip.
I realise this is my problem and I'm too precious and should just accept the rubbage but I want to avoid it.
Maybe one of those formed plastic Spider things is the answer, dunno.
Bar bags, specifically a big roll for sleeping stuff. I'm looking for a stabiliser that's not going to de-breek me. I've used the Restrap anchor/ bumper. I think it was about £40.. a fool and his money.
Do not want.
Tried a hammock thing which was ok but wanted to ask if there was anything else out there. I want it away from the bar so I can ride the tops and away from the cables. I realise I should probably get a Jack The Rack but ££s
What do you use?