Amusing as a chunky FKW promuter on an aero Trek this morning went into the back of a delivery van (not a big impact, just enough to need to double unclip and stumble onto his toptube). Biggest dent was to his ego.
Guy was cycling like a prick, tried to dive bomb everyone going right after putney bridge and then seemed to be huffing at me for not going up the inside of said van along the Kings Road. The rear ending happened when the van stopped for the first zebra crossing. I did chuckle.
Didn't deter his riding style though as he shurgged off his mishap to blat through the next zebra crossing on the wrong side of the road island while mum and pram crossed.
Amusing as a chunky FKW promuter on an aero Trek this morning went into the back of a delivery van (not a big impact, just enough to need to double unclip and stumble onto his toptube). Biggest dent was to his ego.
Guy was cycling like a prick, tried to dive bomb everyone going right after putney bridge and then seemed to be huffing at me for not going up the inside of said van along the Kings Road. The rear ending happened when the van stopped for the first zebra crossing. I did chuckle.
Didn't deter his riding style though as he shurgged off his mishap to blat through the next zebra crossing on the wrong side of the road island while mum and pram crossed.
Do not want to draft that. Let him go.