• It’s is a pug/border/Jack Russell cross.

    He’s properly gone for a hedgehog twice but it’s like he’s in a trance you couldn’t shout him to leave it alone, have to pull him off.

  • "He's got the taste" as Matt Berry once said. My dog was a bastard around cats, hedgehogs, deer, squirrels etc. When I'd open the back door he'd thrash down to the end of the garden to try and outwit the squirrels. Every fucking time, night or day. Tiresome as fuck. I put some dry macaroni in a small plastic water bottle having seen Caesar on TV doing something similar. With the bottle went to the end of the garden and lay in wait and then the dog was let out. He'd always go to the same corner first bark loudly, spin around and charge to the other corner and repeat. I waited and threw the bottle right in front of him. He stopped dead, looked at me and then went off sniffing. He never did that mental shit again, except the night when he almost got the fox. That ended with an emergency vet visit for a broken toe and ripped nail. I used to take the bottle on walks because he used to go mental about squirrels. One shake when he was about to start put a stop to it. 3 or 4 walks and he was fine. The trouble is hedgehogs are slow and tricky for us to see. If your dog is off lead you don't stand a chance if he gets an animal. You'd probably have to consult a behavioural expert because you're trying to stop two thirds of your dog doing what his ancestors were bred for.
