May be a combination of wood and metal. Teak/oak slates on a cast base. And they can be replaced very easily if required. Bench ends and table bases from Victorian era still in uses in public parks, so should be more then sufficient for domestic use. I bought bench ends from ebay years ago, wire brush and black hammerite followed by new slats it's basically brand new, but probably casted over 100 years ago.
@wildwest true ... I just don't like the look of metal, and it needs cushions to make it comfortable, which means we're less likely to just ad hoc have lunch or dinner out there when the weather is good. I want to be able to just leave something out there year round (with a cover over winter of course).
@hugo7 it's fairly complicated to be honest. It's this one: https://olivias.com/products/ivyline-borough-acacia-wood-5-piece-furniture-set?variant=42147288383541&cid=18953707647&agid=&netw=x&adtype=pla&pid=42147288383541&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8NKtBhBtEiwAq5aX2Dtb9AV7h2EzZsQq21oi9kFAFNsHPSPFv3km8mEOhbzJjaDj9oQUnhoCQZYQAvD_BwE
Reading up on acacia it's meant to be fairly good for outdoor furniture. Not as good as teak, but way less expensive. Maybe I should spend the money saved on not getting a new set to pay someone to come sand it and treat it with something protective, and see how it goes. As much as I like to think I'd be able to give it the maintenance it needs probably annually to stay nice, with another baby on the way and already no real time for my actual hobbies, realistically I can see that won't be the case. Maybe it's actually time to go full circle and buy some horrible white plastic chairs and table 😂