It's been so long since I've paced easy runs by anything other than perceived effort, so I'm not sure of the exact answer, but...
- Garmin metrics are often inaccurate
- your max HR might be higher than your current estimate.
If it were me, I would go out and smash a parkrun (or other 5k effort) which will (a) give you an actual 5k time to go off and (b) might record a new max HR. Perhaps the suggested easy run paces will start to converge?
- Garmin metrics are often inaccurate
Yeah, I should do that.
I have just been letting Garmin suggest a run type and it's corresponding HR range. I assumed that this was based on my HR zones but it is not, it is based on something more complex.
I have also compared my zones when auto calculated by Garmin based on max HR and HR reserve. They are totally different, but the hrr zones make more sense to me.
Big picture is that it is doing what I need it to do currently, and that is forcing me to run slowly, build miles and think about my form. I think I'm learning about more about controlling effort too.
I don't really like hr training so as soon as I'm feeling confident that my legs can hack running at a pace I enjoy running at I'll ditch it and do slow runs on feels.
Pacing and heart rate zones.
I'm trying to get my running legs back and know that 'just going for a run' is not helping me so I have started to build my base by running with a hart rate of between 70% and 80% of my max HR. I have set my max HR with a couple of hard efforts on different days. This is forcing my to run at around 8min/km.
I'm not sure of my current 5k time but the slowest I have ever done one is 23min and I was in far worse shape. My Garmin is predicting that I can do a 24:15 5k. When I use that time in a pace calculator (the vdot.com/Calculator one) it is telling me that my easy pace should be 6:09 to 6:45 min/km. Physiologically I think I'm better suited to shorter distances (maybe even being relatively strongest at 400m or 800m). That may be a function of my preference and how I have trained in the past tho. I'm finding running at 8min/km uncomfortable (but getting less so with each run).
My questions are...
...is the difference between the pace calculator easy pace and my HR measured easy pace simply because I have no base and therefore I am doing the right thing building it from 8min/km upwards?
Or...have I potentially got this wrong therefore am running too slow and should look at another method of measuring my efforts (pace, HR zones based on LT or something else)?