Sunflower hearts and a waiting game, it takes time to poach them from your neighbours. Once they visit, don’t let the feeders run empty or they’ll bugger off again! My neighbours either side often talk to me of their annoyance/envy at seeing all the birds in my garden and not theirs despite numerous feeders. Maybe they don’t notice that I’m the twat out there at 7am topping everything up and using a kettle to melt the water.
I love buzzards and am always surprised that others aren't excited when they see them.
Our garden is often devoid of birds. I've tried feeders and a bird house to tempt more. We get the odd crow, pidgeon or magpie. There are parakeets, sparrows and starlings around the area, but no in the garden.
In last year's Great British Bird watch, I did not see a single bird for the whole hour. Then not long ago, walked outside the front door, looked up and saw two buzzards together, swirling about, playing almost. Amazing. I hear them often now and see them now and again.