• trying to set up Wake on LAN on some machines ata work, Virgin business hub router won't accept xxx.xxx.0.255 as a target IP address for port forwarding, that's my only option to broadcast to the whole network right?

    Currently can't get it working to a specific IP either. edit got it working to one specific PC forwarding ports to just that one

    double edit: seems you can't forward a port to more than one IP, which makes sense I guess, so I need that broadcast IP somehow.

  • Forwarding to broadcast mostly got turned off as it was an early source of DoS attacks (send a single spoofed packet to a broadcast address, hundreds of devices send a reply to your target that gets swamped with traffic). Lots of devices will not let you enable it because it is considered dangerous. I'd put something on the LAN which is always on and originate the WOL packets from that.

  • I've lost you a little bit, I thought my issue was less sending the packets, but rather them finding their way through the network to the intended recipients. If we assume that 1 computer is always on (the computer I'm remoting in to) then the issue is getting our render nodes to boot when no one is in the office. Assuming network card and bios are set up correctly on those machines what would that solution look like? I thought the magic packets had to be sent to broadcast on port 9. I can't set up multiple IPs as the recipient of port 9 it seems.

    In case you can't tell I'm fairly networking illiterate.


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