I've used plastic bags to good effect before, in particular on the TCR when I don't have capacity to carry loads of gear.
They work very well between two layers of sock, and can keep the inner one dry while the outer one gets soaked during a downpour. Then magic happens if you keep riding and it warms up (but not in UK winter!): the wet sock gets dry and the dry one gets soaking wet, with sweat! -
Nice tip, will try the foil next time out.
Thanks @ElGonzo & @lotsirb it was a strange day, felt like I was going backwards most of the time but in the end it was about par with a lot of other RRtY rides I've done.
Submitted my provisional DIY entry for February and booked onto a couple of calendars in March in case there's an awful looking forecast and so I don't have to do another DIY/Perm...
Managed to keep toes warm with usual thermal calf length socks under tights and overshoes but the two things that help me are a layer of foil under the insole and a sandwich bag over sock inside shoe. Both are minimal next to nothing thickness and add just enough help to be worth effort. And like me, cheap.
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