Well today I had a potter down to our village allotments with a neighbour who's the treasurer.
We've been offered a half plot which, to be honest, is a decent size. Probably a bit bigger than we want to start off with. The plot has a bargain rent of £11 a year!
I've been reading up a bit on the Charles Dowding no dig system so the plan for now is to get it ready to go.
I've been saving up decent cardboard boxes for the past few months (thanks Wiggle for the cheap bikes and their boxes!) so I plan on laying the cardboard and getting an bulk bag of spent mushroom compost from a local place who deliver to cover it. There's a tree surgeon in the village so I'll speak to him about a load of the green chipped waste for paths and I'll start propagating seeds at home soon.
Is there anything I've missed?
Well today I had a potter down to our village allotments with a neighbour who's the treasurer.
We've been offered a half plot which, to be honest, is a decent size. Probably a bit bigger than we want to start off with. The plot has a bargain rent of £11 a year!
I've been reading up a bit on the Charles Dowding no dig system so the plan for now is to get it ready to go.
I've been saving up decent cardboard boxes for the past few months (thanks Wiggle for the cheap bikes and their boxes!) so I plan on laying the cardboard and getting an bulk bag of spent mushroom compost from a local place who deliver to cover it. There's a tree surgeon in the village so I'll speak to him about a load of the green chipped waste for paths and I'll start propagating seeds at home soon.
Is there anything I've missed?