Perhaps one for the conspiracy thread but a person I know has basically become a barometer for irrationality. I don’t know if it’s gotten worse since COVID but it’s definitely more apparent.
No idea what media they frequent, but among the things I’ve heard them moan about:
-So many Covid and vaccine rumours.
-Defending Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, blaming NATO and Nazis who they claim are in charge of Ukraine (denying that Zelenskyy is Jewish).
-Climate change being a hoax, the world actually cooling, measurements being purposely fudged globally, fossil fuels being more eco-friendly than wind/solar/nuclear, Greta Thumberg being a hypocrite.
-Refugees arriving by boatloads and living on the dole.
-Heat pumps being useless and expensive.
-Natural gas and hydrogen being carbon neutral.
-Children in the US being forced to attend sex ed lessons run by pedos who expose their genitalia.
-Schools forced to provide litter boxes for kids identifying as cats.
-Fluoride in the water giving people cancer.
-15 minute cities being a plan to forcefully keep people within a single ‘district’.
-Inflation caused primarily by people splurging away their US Govt covid relief payments on TVs etc.
It’s like altered reality bingo. Worst part is, of course, they initially come across as pretty normal, well-travelled, financially successful homeowners.
They also absolutely love bitcoin, which doesn’t fill one with confidence.
Facebook radicalisation. Wales online has a story that the biggest anti 20mph limit groups in Wales are run by Tory activists in England some of whom have campaigned for 20 mph limits locally.
Perhaps one for the conspiracy thread but a person I know has basically become a barometer for irrationality. I don’t know if it’s gotten worse since COVID but it’s definitely more apparent.
No idea what media they frequent, but among the things I’ve heard them moan about:
-So many Covid and vaccine rumours.
-Defending Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, blaming NATO and Nazis who they claim are in charge of Ukraine (denying that Zelenskyy is Jewish).
-Climate change being a hoax, the world actually cooling, measurements being purposely fudged globally, fossil fuels being more eco-friendly than wind/solar/nuclear, Greta Thumberg being a hypocrite.
-Refugees arriving by boatloads and living on the dole.
-Heat pumps being useless and expensive.
-Natural gas and hydrogen being carbon neutral.
-Children in the US being forced to attend sex ed lessons run by pedos who expose their genitalia.
-Schools forced to provide litter boxes for kids identifying as cats.
-Fluoride in the water giving people cancer.
-15 minute cities being a plan to forcefully keep people within a single ‘district’.
-Inflation caused primarily by people splurging away their US Govt covid relief payments on TVs etc.
It’s like altered reality bingo. Worst part is, of course, they initially come across as pretty normal, well-travelled, financially successful homeowners.
They also absolutely love bitcoin, which doesn’t fill one with confidence.