I'm wondering what planning departments are going to do when everyone wants to add 6 inches of foam to every external dimension of their house.
So am I, haha. We got our planning through with no quibbles, which surprised us given we're planning to clad an early Edwardian terrace in cement boards which will really look quite different to anything around us (see attached pics).
My current understanding is that includes an expectation there will be some insulation under the Viroc boards, but for 100mm we might need to specifically get the OK. I need to talk to the architects about that this week.
Given our local authority have declared a climate emergency you think they'd be supportive, right...
2 Attachments
I'm wondering what planning departments are going to do when everyone wants to add 6 inches of foam to every external dimension of their house.
I'd like to put a few layers of PIR on the roof too.
And solar panels above that.
Solar panel PIR. I'm patenting that.©®™