The rule of thumb I was told by a coach was 1g of carbs per kg of bodyweight per hour, which for me translates to a pfh30 gel at the start line, and every 20 mins, right to the finish. I took one in the last 2 miles because at that stage you’re thinking of recovery. I took a bottle from every water stop and sipped it til the next station before taking another one. Same as you I used the pfh electrolyte tablets, I think i popped one at every other aid station.
get used to fuelling more
or at least more regularlyon a half marathon I take a gel every 20mins, which is probably a bit more than I absolutely need, but I'd rather have 1 gel too many.
on a full then I think I'd stick with roughly that frequency. get the gels that are isotonic too so that you're replacing the salts as well as just getting sugar
and train like you're planning to race. don't just aim to do it on race day, you need to be sure your stomach doesn't rebel against a handful of gels
So we’ve established you’re not hydrating during runs - are you fuelling? I ran my first marathon last October and was shocked a just how many gels I had to take on to fuel adequately. You should be fuelling your long training runs how you plan to fuel your marathon to familiarise yourself with race nutrition.