e.g Today I did a 53 mile loop, Komoot says its 3650ft, Garmin says 4534ft. Why such a disparity?
Presuming - hopefully - that the GPS figure is the one to rely on..?I did the same 200km ride with 2 other people with Garmin GPSes. We had three ascent figures of 1400m, 1800m and 2200m.
The ride distances differed by +/-10km too. All of us rode together the entire time, no-one left their GPS running whilst leant against a wall or at a food control or anything.
tl;dr the cumulative error on GPS measurements adds up quickly...
Often wondered, after I complete a bike ride, why is the ascent stat recorded on my Garmin always higher than the ascent stat on the same Komoot route?
e.g Today I did a 53 mile loop, Komoot says its 3650ft, Garmin says 4534ft. Why such a disparity?
Presuming - hopefully - that the GPS figure is the one to rely on..?