Non-Ebay Deals/Bargains

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  • For 200 seems a nice set of wheels if you're after rim-brake wheels.

    Positive: Made with CX-ray spokes, tubeless valves & brake pads included, 21mm internal
    Negative: At 1440g for a 35mm rim brake wheel it isn't the lightest...

    Unsure on the brake track, which is key to braking performance with rim-brake.

  • What's the general sizing like on the 5 Tens - do I need to go up half/full size like many other brands?

  • 1440g for a 35mm rim brake wheel

    for a £200 wheelset that's excellent

  • I (and anecdotally, it seems most folk) find them true to size. Maybe go up half a size if you want to wear extra thick/waterproof socks.

  • I find it pretty spot on 9 in shoes and 9 in 5 Tens

  • They're bang on for me at 12.5. Run fine with seal skins too :)

  • Rapha items continuing to drop in the sale.

    A shameless plug, but if you shop using the following link you and I both get £50 off (a £200 spend) . I think it's only valid on new accounts but a new email address / the + gmail hack gets round it if you already have a Rapha account.

    This seems a pretty good deal especially given current weather, the insulated gilet is also on a decent offer.

  • I have the 55mm disc version and like them. They're on my gravel bike so hard to get a real gauge on their feel but they run okay and have stayed true

  • anyone want to go halves on an order, I want just the PT winter jacket. I can round my order up to £100 with a pair of socks.. If I got the PTJ+socks for £75 that would be a bargain..

    @Saffronspokes, do you want to go halves by any chance? I have the £50 off voucher code from your link..

  • Ah that would have been good. Sadly I've already purchased it (had a one time £20 code valid on orders of £100).

    Splitting the order between 2 people is a decent way to get £25 off though...

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  • damn, great deal, just none of the length I require in stock :-(

  • Shame RIM70 seems to have ended though, guess you can have too much of a good thing!

  • I’m probably going to regret this, but how cheap is cheap? Ta.

  • £60 will cover the new rear hub I'm buying, includes rotors, tyres/tubes and the 18t freewheel on them.

  • Cheers I’ll have a think.

  • Did you get a set? They had disappeared from the site by this morning. Absolute bargain!

  • I was considering a set but you can’t find anything out about them so never bothered.

  • Got a set of the cheap Selcof 35mm carbon wheels, seem nicely made and look quite tasteful. Also seems like my campagnolo veloce brakes don't open up wide enough for the rim profile. They're also quite tight between the chain stays, maybe 3mm on the side that's closest and 7mm on the other.

    Think that's enough clearance and would newer Shimano brake calipers fit over the rims?

  • I had some 28mm wide rims before and I know sram force 22 brakes work with them, with the clearance I had to go down a tyre size from 28 to 25mm to stop frame/fork rub. If in the end you don't get on with the wheels give me a shout.......

  • After a lot of research I think they are an older Bitex hub, and the rims are open mould, used by several good players, The spokes speak for themselves. The rim dimensions are perfect for 28mm tyres. Plus they are tubeless taped, come with all the valves, and even a full set of pads.

    Yes I got 2 sets which arrived today, and they are gorgeous !! I went back to buy some more... but someone else had seen the opportunity too :(

  • How many sets of wheels do you need…?

  • You don’t change wheels for each day of the week? …

  • No, I can’t be bothered on Thursday…😬

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Non-Ebay Deals/Bargains

Posted by Avatar for Elioterio @Elioterio
