So, when I'm looking for bits, it looks like I'm going for all the usual 11s GRX stuff (must remember to buy the RD-RX817-GS 1x RD that works 2x 42T) but looking for BR8100 or 12S series (flat mount or is that not a thing with 8100?) calipers.
the bleed port is opened via an allen key not by unthreading the nut on the nipple, so it is much easier to open/close it without dislodging the syringe. especially if you are doing it alone.
So, when I'm looking for bits, it looks like I'm going for all the usual 11s GRX stuff (must remember to buy the RD-RX817-GS 1x RD that works 2x 42T) but looking for BR8100 or 12S series (flat mount or is that not a thing with 8100?) calipers.
These ones...
What's the 'better bleed process' all about?