• I quite liked Going Infinite. I agree it wasn’t anywhere near critical enough of crypto as a whole (Number Goes Up is a good read for that) and SBF doesn’t come across as evil, just very off the end of some personality scale, super bright in a narrow band, and insanely out of his depth.

    He could have explored and critiqued the system that allowed him and others to continue for so long (more of The Big Short style), and the book ended badly with the one sided negativity about the bankruptcy lawyer, and the stupid “looks like the had the money all the time! So they weren’t actually bankrupt!” angle, which soured it for me.

    But as an account of the rise and fall of SBF, it’s fine

  • out of his depth.

    I think that's pretty deliberate. So much emphasis on the altruism bollocks and plenty of anecdotes that seem intended to make us think that "oh, SBF is just a goofy kid!" Meanwhile, the deception and manipulation have been in plain view the whole time.
