Looking at a second hand frame but it’s got some tyre rub on a seat stay. This look like a nail polish job or to steer clear? Know seat stays aren’t the most load bearing but i’m not the most well versed in carbon.
I'd say it depends on the price and weight, and whether that black layer below the grey is paint or carbon. I'd like to see a better pic.
If the frame is like 900g or less, a bit of a missing layer there might be something you'd miss. But if it's say 1.2kg, it's probably got plenty to spare.
We turn down services when we see these damages, we had one that doesn’t look as bad, but when send to be assess by a carbon repairer, it was actually bad enough that it need immediate repair.
Looking at a second hand frame but it’s got some tyre rub on a seat stay. This look like a nail polish job or to steer clear? Know seat stays aren’t the most load bearing but i’m not the most well versed in carbon.