I replaced a load of things on mine, starting with a dodgy resistor on the pcb, then the whole pcb, then realised I hadn’t checked the motor properly and realised the windings had burned out.
FWIW, I'm absolutely terrible at things like this and I managed to take it apart to replace the spindle gear and put it back together again. And it now works.
Oh no. Disaster. That 15 year old Mc2 that I bought for second hand from coffeeforum has finally died.
Ground a dose. Slowed down half way through then stopped, popped and smoked a little and smelt of smoke.
Is there a preferred cheap espresso grinder in the same strata as this, just in case I can’t get it repaired.
Has anyone swapped out a motor from one of these?
Anyone happen to know a repairs guru that is glasgow based?
Thanks in advance. :)
On a Sunday too…. Dammit.