In other news, my $9 smartwatch refused to charge after being forgotten for a couple of weeks... After tearing it apart, found 0V on the battery, nice battery management there. After sniffing around the web, it turns out that any ambition of installing custom firmware is forlorn...
Although if you happen to have one of the handful of models which have successfully been hacked, and which also has a ROM available, the good news is that you might be able to flash it via Bluetooth, rather than having to crack it open to expose data IO.
In other news, my $9 smartwatch refused to charge after being forgotten for a couple of weeks... After tearing it apart, found 0V on the battery, nice battery management there. After sniffing around the web, it turns out that any ambition of installing custom firmware is forlorn...
Although if you happen to have one of the handful of models which have successfully been hacked, and which also has a ROM available, the good news is that you might be able to flash it via Bluetooth, rather than having to crack it open to expose data IO.
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