Got home from a week away to find Logitech z906 speakers completely dead. Bit of googling and some disassembly later and it looks like a pretty common problem - burned out resistors on the mains side of things. This is a set that were replaced within warranty after the first ones I bought failed.
Tried three mobile phone/laptop/pc repair places locally but unsurprisingly none of them wanted to touch it. Bit pissed off that what looks like a relatively simple repair (provided it hasn't caused further damage) might mean binning an otherwise functional system.
Also a bit annoying that the only apparent replacement is yet another Logitech z906. Would be no point even unboxing anything other than the subwoofer.
Thanks for the offer, much appreciated. Gonna try the place aggi (thanks also) suggested and see if they reckon a repair is possible.
Saw one post on reddit saying the black stuff covering everything degrades over time and becomes conductive, which I guess explains why it's a common issue.
Got home from a week away to find Logitech z906 speakers completely dead. Bit of googling and some disassembly later and it looks like a pretty common problem - burned out resistors on the mains side of things. This is a set that were replaced within warranty after the first ones I bought failed.
Tried three mobile phone/laptop/pc repair places locally but unsurprisingly none of them wanted to touch it. Bit pissed off that what looks like a relatively simple repair (provided it hasn't caused further damage) might mean binning an otherwise functional system.
Also a bit annoying that the only apparent replacement is yet another Logitech z906. Would be no point even unboxing anything other than the subwoofer.