I think The Escape Artist is a beautiful book, as much about loss as it is about cycling.
Thanks Andy. That actually has piqued my interest. I’ll give it a go sometime, still unread on the shelf. I think sometimes the cycling element to a book is just an immediate turnoff for me.
I think sometimes ‘demand-avoidance’ is a thing with me: if someone gives me/tells me to read a book … “you’ll love it” … I just won’t be told.
Fucking books about cycling can fuck off I hate them. I’ve been given some right mingers by ‘well meaning’ family over the years. ‘It’s All About The Ride’ meh, some really bad ‘coffee table’ efforts, some roadie douchebaggery. Someone gave me The Escape Artist years ago, can’t be arsed, and now this: recommended to my mum by my brother that I’d like it. Happily my dog has immediately chewed the corner so I can’t conscionably give it to another victim…