I've used my current set up on a couple of biggish events, opting for compliance, a large cassette and bombish proof over full carbon lightness and I rode it to Greece and back with 17kg of luggage which for a trip of that distance I felt was pretty svelte.
I find if I go out and ride that bike like I do my out and out road bike it empties me out pretty quick.
There was always a nagging about how it must be easier to hold a higher average speed (If I could make it as comfortable as possible) but I now accept its a completely different thing.
I've used my current set up on a couple of biggish events, opting for compliance, a large cassette and bombish proof over full carbon lightness and I rode it to Greece and back with 17kg of luggage which for a trip of that distance I felt was pretty svelte.
I find if I go out and ride that bike like I do my out and out road bike it empties me out pretty quick.
There was always a nagging about how it must be easier to hold a higher average speed (If I could make it as comfortable as possible) but I now accept its a completely different thing.