The carbonda is very functional but this is just faster, considerably.
I haven't got any plans for next year down onto paper just yet. After everything I planned to do this year went down the drain I'm a bit more hesitant to put all my eggs in one basket.
I'm hoping, generally, to do a bit of touring, maybe a couple of ultras, get back racing track, go see some WT racing on the Continent and, maybe LEJOG or something like that.
In general just to see more of the world as I never did any travelling post-school, pre-uni.After seeing a third (!) physio yesterday, it looks like my knee injury is on its way out and I should be back at my usual mileage within a month or something.
I'm honestly just happy and grateful to be able to ride my bike most days, even if it just training loops out in Kent..
I've got a lot of work to do to get my fitness back but it's nice having something to work towards again, because nothing else in my life is giving me very much joy lol
What's the plan for this speedy guy? TCR? Is it replacing the carbonda?
Eagerly awaiting the trip report.