My Helson lost about 20 minutes over night then stopped working! They think it might have been magnetised in the shipping process and so I'm sending it back for them to sort.
Got me thinking whether non-ferrous watches are more likely to become magnetised
How did the complaint and repair process work out for you @leggy_blonde? Did you have to pay for shipping yourself?
The Helson I got two months ago is wildly inaccurate. It's currently running 8 min too fast, and it has been less than 20 hours since I wound and set it.
Helson sent a prepaid Fedex to take it back, however when it was returned to me,they filled out the customs form incorrectly. It wasn't marked up as a warranty return and so I was left with having to pay import duties and VAT for a second time! Helson wouldn't entertain refunding me for their error.
The watch was sorted and I like it but having to effectively pay for a warranty left a bad taste and I would not recommend Helson to anyone.
My Helson lost about 20 minutes over night then stopped working! They think it might have been magnetised in the shipping process and so I'm sending it back for them to sort.
Got me thinking whether non-ferrous watches are more likely to become magnetised