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  • Do I want to? No, will it eat away at me until I do, absolutely. Think it mainly bugs me as it just appeared over night. House is only twenty years old, if it was old and had been there when I moved in I would probably not of even looked at it twice. Carpet needs replacing so will come up at some point anyway.

    [Some twat had stuffed a load of gunk (plaster or caulk) on the top of the stringer

    This is the entire house, there is crap caulking/ filling everywhere.

  • Sounds like you have the perfect opportunity. Remember this is a total guess but there could be a series of small faults - i can't tell if it's possible but after looking for splits and how they're moving under pressure having access from underneath would definitely help

  • Yes, the ceilings are all artex, ripping it out from underneath gives an excuse to get it replastered but also turn nailing down a riser and filling a gap in to a big job lol


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