I started to be a bit bothered by the curved top tube of the Crux so i thought it was time for something else. So yesterday I picked up this 8bar Mitte V2, it has similar specs to the Crux but i like it more in the term of looks. It might be a strange move but there is this dutch (or is this commonly known?) saying 'change of food makes you eat'.
I'm thinking about changing the tires..
And there are some updates coming for the Scott XC, i bought some lights, just need to fix the wiring. And after 3 years hopefully some updates for the Time road bike!
thanks ^^
I started to be a bit bothered by the curved top tube of the Crux so i thought it was time for something else. So yesterday I picked up this 8bar Mitte V2, it has similar specs to the Crux but i like it more in the term of looks. It might be a strange move but there is this dutch (or is this commonly known?) saying 'change of food makes you eat'.
I'm thinking about changing the tires..
And there are some updates coming for the Scott XC, i bought some lights, just need to fix the wiring. And after 3 years hopefully some updates for the Time road bike!