Ah yes, I should clarify it'll be going to the tried and tested detailer after I've passed the initial 30 days rejection period - once bitten, twice shy and all that, I'm not putting any money in it till it's past that point!
The initial piece is above the driver door, previous owner had hoiked themselves out and scratched the door surround up with their ring hand- that's the bit I've asked for the once over on, nothing else!
Had a look on eBay last night; think I'll be getting an arm rest and new handbrake gator from these guys to match the door cards: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_ssn=ns_trim_service&_osacat=0&_armrs=1&_odkw=F87&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313&_nkw=BMW+F87&_sacat=0
and then some carbon interior bits to complete the inside - no idea why these aren't OEM...
Might finally finish off the wheel with the dry carbon insert.
Then i'm done! Big fan of the OEM+ trend, but inside only and user replaceable. Outside will remain untouched (was very happy to see no drill holes, so no previous body kits), as will anything mechanical until the 12 month BMW warranty expires...
The important questions being asked here! 29.2 miles. (vs 232).
2018, 50k miles and it cost as much as my M140i did 12 months ago. Funny really as they were out of budget 2 months ago when I bought the Volvo. 10-20% market drops welcome here.
Jumped in and straight away it felt like home. Ride was much better than the M140i which had adaptive suspension which I found odd. Seat bolster was a little ropey, and arm rest is well rested (suspect larger previously owner) but nothing a couple of £££ on eBay over the coming months won't resolve. Outside being mopped by dealership to resolve a few scratches and a couple of stone chips being touched in, but otherwise externally it's in good nick and no sign of body kit. Hasn't been mapped either being used approved.