• As expected, the Mayor's decision about the 'MSG Sphere' has been called in by the Secretary of State. One imagines there will be furious behind-the-scenes lobbying going on, although it would be a clear scandal if the Mayor's decision were overruled.

    Some stupid bullshit from the developers:

    A spokesperson for the company said: “The entire five-year planning process was hijacked by the mayor and his bogus last-minute report.

    It's not a 'last-minute' report, the Mayor hasn't 'hijacked' anything, and it's not 'bogus'. It's simply a Stage 2 decision under the Mayor's powers over strategic planning applications, completely routine. At the same time, they're trying to stink up London's status as a destination for 'investment', another distinctly unclassy move. Let's just hope they don't get a bogus last-minute report from Gove hijacking the process and overruling the Mayor. Can you imagine how unhappy they would be then?

