Non-Ebay Deals/Bargains

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  • I'm tempted. Don't like the colour but it's a lot of bike for the money. I'd pretty much only be using it for a nippy gravel bike but could be tempted to race with it.

    Does anyone have any thoughts?

    Edit. Actually I was looking at this

  • I’ve had two pairs.

    The first ones were the Velcro version actually. The sole separated from the rest the shoe on them after not very long.

    My lace up ones have lasted better but the heel feels pretty strange, like it’s not got a good grip of my foot/isn’t very supportive?

    Sizing is a bit off on them as well I think. I had to go down to 44 when I’m normally a 45 or 46.

    For £15, yeah worth a punt, just don’t be surprised if they live up to their price.

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  • I had a pair of the similar velcro closure mtb ones, troika i think. had plenty of trouble free years from them

  • The white MTB ones used to be my shoe of choice but I got fed up of the plastic (?) wearing on the toe and looking tatty real quick.

    Having said that I still find them really comfy, haven't had any issues apart from that. Maybe I'll get some black ones.

  • Cheap singlespeed commuters if anyone's in the market­e-ss-2022

    Thanks for this - finally pulled the trigger at £150 with postage. Seems like a proper bargain for a weird 650b commuter

    If anyone does the same, worth noting this is the hanger you need if you ever want to stick a rear mech on it (Mach = rebranded Dee from what I can tell):

  • I have no money but that's a cheap version of what I've been wanting to make for ages. At £130 I can paint it and stick some less crap parts on that are lying around and it'll be pretty sweet.

  • Yup, same here - managing to sell a couple unused bits to fund it, and will stick on a set of cheap Shimano hydros I've got laying around. Should be solid from there.

  • I've sent it to the workshop and will sell something probably.

  • I've got some new MT200s lying around, some i20 rims, I'll see if I can get a carbon fork in there with an external lower headset cup without fucking with the geo too much, big ol' risers, I've got some decent tyres somewhere, sick fade paint job all round and I can hang it up and not ride it in place of the one I'll maybe sell.

  • Would have been all over it if they made an XXL 🫤

  • Is the rear a single speed hub? So will need changing if I want to make it a 1x drivetrain?

  • I’ve had one in my basket for about 2 months, hoping someone would spring for Christmas, but it’s probably a good thing they didn’t because I was thinking super wide dirt drops, 2.4” supermotos and bolt on a fixed cog.

  • Yup, would need a 650B rear wheel with 135mm spacing and a HG freehub. Cheapest option I've found for this is either Shimano MT500 or an M Part one. If you've got the rest of the parts around it would bring it to around 200 quid all in - gonna run mine as a singlespeed for now and probably make the switch whenever I find a cheap wheel

  • bolt on a fixed cog.

    Yup, I'll be doing this too I think.

  • I reckon that cheap Vitus would be pretty good fun like that, albeit with some narrower tyres or whatever will fit.

    @trigs Thanks for that, I'll grab one of those hangers just in case.

  • albeit with some wider tyres or whatever will fit.


  • That vitus plus some of those carbon 650b wheels 🤪

  • And a pair of their £2.99 WTB Thickslicks

  • Some cheap carbon LEVEL wheels in the Ribble outlet section -
    £350-400 -
    1600-1700g it seems.
    No idea if they are any good, or 'worth' it.

  • I saw this bike IRL yesterday, very good for the price IMO

  • I got some of their carbon 650b wheels when they were £250 and that was cheap for carbon wheels. I have given them absolute hell, 6 months on and they are still round, spin well and under the mud are still lightweight. Would recommend.

  • I've just built mine up from one of there bargain framesets. I rate it so far. Loads of tyre clearance for gravel tyres. I'd have gone for the force axs bike if I had the £££

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    • DSC_1588.JPG
  • I saw this bike IRL yesterday, very good for the price IMO

    Will take the amey seal of approval any day - looking forward to it turning up

    In the meantime the hanger linked above arrived and can confirm it's the correct one as specced on the 7 speed variant

    Also came across this mildly jazzed-up one on eBay while looking for IRL photos - makes me want to stick a basket on it

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    • s-l1600.jpeg
  • Wiggle just emailed me that Evri admitted that they lost my 650b carbon wheels, and they processed my refund. Glad I had a backup plan!

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Non-Ebay Deals/Bargains

Posted by Avatar for Elioterio @Elioterio
