Christ, there are so many mad things in the place we bought that just make no sense. I'm going around bit by bit and learning/fixing each one. It's good to learn the DIY skills, but my attempt to put a positive spin on as I uncover yet another bodge or terrible decision is becoming more difficult as time goes on...
This sounds exactly like the first year in our new house, even down to the annoying waterfall taps.
Ours was bunged up with lime scale and would shoot two jets of water directly at your crotch. A good clean and de scale sorted it. -
I looked up how to replace a tap on Youtube and convinced myself I could do it as an amateur. It looks easy.
Haven't done it yet because a) I've discovered our bath is leaking which I want to resolve first and b) we don't seem to have a stopcock in the flat - seems to be one on the street but I think it'll shut off our neighbour's water too.
Instead of sugru would silicone sealant do a better job as a short term fix?
Christ, there are so many mad things in the place we bought that just make no sense. I'm going around bit by bit and learning/fixing each one. It's good to learn the DIY skills, but my attempt to put a positive spin on as I uncover yet another bodge or terrible decision is becoming more difficult as time goes on...
The latest mad thing is this tap in the upstairs bathroom. It is a waterfall style tap and had 2 little holes on the waterfall part. See the attached pic.
I assume there is meant to be another part that slots in there that they have lost. Of course, this means that water dribbles out all over the side of the sink.
I can't see any markings to help me find a brand and model of the tap to see if spares are available. Google lens isn't finding anything, and looking at other similar taps this doesn't appear to be a common design with the strange holes.
I think the cheapest bodge is to sugru it. But I think that'll annoy me every day and fail at some point.
I think the better solution is to just replace the tap. As you can see it's not in great condition, and I don't love these waterfall style taps that seem to be so common now. I'll have to measure up but could probably replace with something like this https://www.appliancesdirect.co.uk/p/beba_12251/cube-beba_12251-basin-tap?refsource=apadwords&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=17997676053&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyeWrBhDDARIsAGP1mWRcXugdGQQHkhXCkpRkodSEOLMLk8PB_xz0sTkNOcKKoUebXLa7zQ8aAn05EALw_wcB
Anyone want to try and warn me off replacing taps who has previously done it? It's a modern integrated sink, so probably not the easiest to start with. Or other options I haven't considered?
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