Don’t want to be negative, but TBH you’ve very little chance of stopping them.
You have no right to light anymore.
The building works will be checked for compliance.
I take it you and they are detached? But pretty close to each other and side to side? The only things you can do are make sure they don’t build over the boundary. Not a mm, no overhanging gutters etc. Make sure there are no windows/ vent etc on the facing wall they would all stop you/next person building over your garage. Oh don’t let them on your property to do anything, no scaffolding on your side, unless you come to an agreement, could be cash, could be working hours. No access unless they agree to only work between x and y o’clock?
If you object they’ll know you did, but not let that stop you.
You could try ‘not in keeping with the area’ ‘sets a precedent’ ‘overdevelopment of the site’ etc. The more people you can get on your side the more chance you have.
Good luck.
Had a letter from the council today to say our next door neighbour wants to extend over the garage. I’m unhappy about this for a number of reasons. Firstly it will block a significant amount of sunlight from our garden, secondly he is a builder and will do the work himself and judging by the work he’s done so far to his house will bodge this up as well.
They are also very noisy neighbours so ideally I don’t want them to be any closer to us.
If we object then they will know we’ve rejected and on what grounds so I’m cautious about putting pen to paper. Any else had this type of issue?