Looking good! Nice work on all the windows, calculating mine took ages because I wanted as big as possible while still having a relationship to the old sash windows.
What are you saying is perfect desk height? My guys said the lowest we could put a window in was 80cm from floor but desks are around 70cm? My original plan was to have the desk and window cill line up, but sadly once again chips were pissed in.
What’s the reason for minimum 800mm for a window? If he’s sighting regs rather than structural constraints you can do laminated glass to get lower. It’s just about people not falling through it.
Yeah I prefer a higher desk too but my wife likes them lower.
I was told it was building regs - can’t have a window that opens lower than 80cm, we wanted a really big opening window so went with the larger side opening rather than the smaller as most builds tend to.
Looking good! Nice work on all the windows, calculating mine took ages because I wanted as big as possible while still having a relationship to the old sash windows.
What are you saying is perfect desk height? My guys said the lowest we could put a window in was 80cm from floor but desks are around 70cm? My original plan was to have the desk and window cill line up, but sadly once again chips were pissed in.