Ditto above comment re instax. I like it, and they even just do an instax printer which can link to a phone (or possibly Bluetooth camera?) which I find gives a satisfying “take a photo and print” bit with the benefits of a digital camera. It’s about the size of a large power bank, so pretty small overall
I find the film a little soft in the images it prints, and instax cameras definitely prefer bright lights (sunny summer days look great, grey winter days less so) but good fun and likely able to be picked up cheap on eBay as it seems tk be a common “buy for a wedding, never use again then sell” type camera
Anyone got experience with the spread of Polaroids from retros to their newer stuff?
Going to take a traditional film camera to the Canaries this week but thinking for future touring, a polaroid might be more 'practical' in the sense of at least being able to get your shot processed whilst you're out.
Weight is less of an issue, but ideally something robust and packable