My girlfriend really likes her Suri toothbrush, it's a sonic jobby but seems to never run out of battery, can be had with a UV cleaning case, everything is biodegradable and replaceable/repairable. I've not tried the sonic type and prefer the swirly abrasive industrial ones but I'm not buying another until mine is well beyond dead.
Do like mine. I had an issue after one year but they sent me a replacement FOC on the basis that I sent the old one back to be repaired or recycled. Seem like a good company.
My girlfriend really likes her Suri toothbrush, it's a sonic jobby but seems to never run out of battery, can be had with a UV cleaning case, everything is biodegradable and replaceable/repairable. I've not tried the sonic type and prefer the swirly abrasive industrial ones but I'm not buying another until mine is well beyond dead.