I suspect it not just the individual rapist but the military indoctrination/ mentality as a whole that makes rape more prolific among armed forces.
Being conditioned to achieve a set objective including by using utmost physical force against a dehumanised enemy who opposes you, well, perhaps it translates into achieving the goal of their sexual desire even if it includes overcoming physical defences.
- most militaries are only barely bothered by most of what happens to their enemy’s civilian population;
- some men joining the military are modern ‘human brutes’;
- soldiers get moved around a lot and commonly see how consequences don’t always follow perpetrators across borders, especially with difficult situations to prove such as rape.
- most militaries are only barely bothered by most of what happens to their enemy’s civilian population;
Yeah, men can be awful, and men who are desensitised to killing people, may well be more inclined to do other horrific things.