Non-Ebay Deals/Bargains

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of 330
  • I remember when you were just a poor student cobbling together bikes from scraps. Now look at what you’ve become.

  • I'm guessing width of the seat. I have three of them already on three different bikes all bought off eBay/here and 3mm is within the margin of error of my ability to measure. 131 was out of stock when I ordered.

  • It's great, isn't it?

  • I almost ordered set on the alloy 650s last night for £50ish luckily I checked my bank account first. Lalalala…

  • Went for the Orra's after much deliberation. Think this thread gave me the FOMO to push me over the edge, how average can they be for less than the price of a single LB rim.

  • i did too let's see if they turn up with candy

    Now ....who has a frameset that accommodates 650b wheels ?

  • This is the first bike I’ve ever built from new parts. Slippery slope

  • It's my partner's "road" bike. Fancy one with ISP and dampers and shit but a few years old so it was cheap

  • Brexit sucks.
    I could actually use some bargain wheels (maybe?) and they are all quite normal priced over here.

  • Prime hubs now down to £9.99 and £19.99.

  • Yeah, saw that. I'd quite like to reorder and send mine back for a refund but I think there's a risk I could end up with no hubs and no refund if they go bust or the parcel gets delayed.

    The straight pull rear is down to £30 if you want to save a little bit of weight but annoyingly the matching front is still £35 instead of £15

    The straight pull SR1D is the one in the Attaquer wheelset which is 1450g, and the J bend SR2D is in the Baroudeur wheelset which is 1700g. My J-bend set are 407g so I expect the straight pull would be 300g and then a few g saved in the spokes?

    Edit: For reference the centerlock DT Swiss 350 straight pull set is 362g and 390g for J-bend so maybe not so much of a difference after all


    Force AXS Left and Right levers with calipers for cheap.

    Ignore that the calipers both say front - you can remove the adapter and pop a longer hose on.

  • Use the 'contact us about your order' button and ask them to refund the difference. Thats what I've done for the wheels when they went down to £135.

  • The OUTLET10 code no longer works on the carbon 650b wheels. It did last night though.

  • Someone can have my set if they won’t refund before dispatch…

  • Damn. Right is oos when I put it in my basket

  • Thanks, let's see if that works

  • I've always had part-hoarding tendencies in fairness. Just used to be £2 V-brakes sets instead of carbon wheels.

    At this rate I'll have my own Porsche thread in another few years 😥

  • I mean.
    1 new pair of disc wheels to replace a Wheelset with a ding in the front rim I was going to get rebuilt
    1 new pair of rim brake wheels to replace a Wheelset with a ding in the front rim I was going to get rebuilt

    Is reasonable right?

  • Superstar delivered my £16 650b rims in less than 24hrs (with free postage on an unnecessarily enormous box). It would cost me that much to post a box that big...this season of discounts is baffling.

    But, as i've gone for those carbon ones instead if anyone is keen on a pair of these let me know. Only 420g each.

  • I've learnt my lesson before; buy first then post... sorry!

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  • This feels so dirty.

    Message sent.

  • I've also asked for this...

  • I’ve just had what sounds like an AI generated response saying on this occasion they can’t price match. It’s not a price match….

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Non-Ebay Deals/Bargains

Posted by Avatar for Elioterio @Elioterio
