Say that a steel something is made in Japan, Germany or Italy and people will pay silly prices. A 20cm polished tool steel rod with 2 Allen key heads protruding at 90deg from the shaft and a leather strip to hang if from? £25 please. But it’s desiiign … Sure, a pretty poor design for a bike tool at that.
I realise it doesn't mean it's good value or a good product, but they may not be making much money on that polished hex bar made in Japan to be honest, depending who made it and the size of the batches. Considering if somebody asked me to make 100 of those, I wouldn't really cover costs at £25 each - bearing in mind HMRC take 20% in VAT.
Fair enough - it's not as if compulsive purchasing should be alien to anyone on a niche hobby forum like this, I just hadn't really considered it applying to such practical items as ratchet sets. Sure, people can fetishise Japanese-made hand saws, Victorian planes and fancy pillar drills, but I hadn't imagine that extending to the more mundane items of the tool box. This was clearly just a failure of my imagination.