Anyone got experience with the spread of Polaroids from retros to their newer stuff?
Going to take a traditional film camera to the Canaries this week but thinking for future touring, a polaroid might be more 'practical' in the sense of at least being able to get your shot processed whilst you're out.
Weight is less of an issue, but ideally something robust and packable
Apparently the newer stuff is loads better than it was when it first came out. The original impossible project stuff was so shit and we paid for the development of it while they fucked about.
Anyone got experience with the spread of Polaroids from retros to their newer stuff?
Going to take a traditional film camera to the Canaries this week but thinking for future touring, a polaroid might be more 'practical' in the sense of at least being able to get your shot processed whilst you're out.
Weight is less of an issue, but ideally something robust and packable