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  • It kind of boggles the mind why this is a decision for the government in the first place. I’d have expected the British Museum to be an independent organisation who could decide what they want to do with their shit, but it’s required by law (The 1963 British Museum Act) not to part with any items in its collection.

  • Listening to Keegan today you would think (a) why does she pronounce Elgin with a soft g and (b) doesn’t Parliament have a secret super power up its sleeve, also known as the power to legislate and (c) why was the new power to make ex gratia payments, designed specifically with the BM in mind, pulled at the last minute from the implementation plan for the Charities Act 2022?

  • why was the new power to make ex gratia payments, designed specifically with the BM in mind, pulled at the last minute from the implementation plan for the Charities Act 2022?

    Ooh, I don’t know about this, can you elaborate?


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