I think Greg Nuckols' The Art of Lifting(free sorta-version here) combined with his squat, bench & deadlift guides are a fantastic place to start with a far more modern and far less dogmatic approach.
Honestly though, with the availability of broadband, visual guides make a lot more sense for most people with a physical pursuit like lifting. Calgary Barbell, Kabuki Strength, Juggernaut aren't perfect but all pretty good places to start.
I think Greg Nuckols' The Art of Lifting (free sorta-version here) combined with his squat, bench & deadlift guides are a fantastic place to start with a far more modern and far less dogmatic approach.
Honestly though, with the availability of broadband, visual guides make a lot more sense for most people with a physical pursuit like lifting. Calgary Barbell, Kabuki Strength, Juggernaut aren't perfect but all pretty good places to start.